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Wichita Flea Exterminator | Lowest Price Guaranteed

Looking for a pest control service in Wichita, KS that removes Fleas? Over 15 years of experience in exterminating Fleas. No contracts. Lowest price guaranteed.

Fleas are small, brown, wingless insects 1/8 to 3/16 inch in length. Adult fleas are parasites (blood feeders) of mammals and birds. Only the cat flea, is common on dogs and cats, and in households, in Kansas.

Got flea problems? Call (316) 943-2847

Humans are not likely to be attacked unless the flea population is high. Flea outbreaks also are commonly observed if the pet is removed. With the normal host gone, fleas will feed on the most readily available food source, namely humans. This can also occur after a vacation when both pet and owner have been away for a considerable period of time.

How to Prepare for Flea Treatment

Thoroughly clean prior to the treatment. This should include the vacuuming of floors, carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture and baseboards.The sweepings should be disposed of immediately to prevent reinfestation. The vacuum bag contents should be burned or placed in an airtight plastic bag.
All pet bedding should be replaced or thoroughly washed.

I also recommend treating any animals with frontline as soon as possible.

Insect Extermination Covering Wichita & All Surrounding Cities