How To Get Rid Of Mice | Wichita Mouse Removal
Need a pest control service in Wichita, KS that removes Mice? Over 15 years of experience in exterminating Mice. No answering machines, call and talk to someone immediately. Lowest price guaranteed.
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There are five important steps each to be followed in order to assure best control of rat and mouse populations. You cannot start at step 2 and get good control. You must start with step 1.
The five steps are:
- Put population under stress. Take away food, water and shelter. Clean up the area as much as you can.
- If the population is high, use a single dose toxicant. Be sure to comply with label instructions. Use bait stations, prebait.
- Use a multidose toxicant, keep good, clean bait out even when population appears to be greatly reduced. Use bait stations.
- Use traps.
Rodent proof the place where the problem occurred to the best of your ability.
How To Prepare for Mouse Treatment
- Seal cracks around foundation
- Keep doors closed and garages down when pssible
- Check to see if garage door seals at bottom
- Keep human food and pet food in sealed containers